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Solana Ranch Discovery Lab Highlights - Fourth Grade

Updated: Mar 28, 2024

March 2024:


Fourth graders are focusing on electrical and renewable energy. With this knowledge, they will be building a solar device that moves or lights up.



Fourth grade is preparing their music for the Gold Rush themed performance. They are doing an awesome job and sound amazing.


Media Center*

Our Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Grades all read the California Picture Books for older readers. These stories shared important true stories of quiet heroes who followed their passions and their hearts to do what was right to make the world a better place. We used the stories we read to dive into some primary sources to see how authors use these sources to help them share a story based on the facts and evidence they have studied.

Fourth graders are now applying their digital citizenship and continuing to develop their research skills to begin a research project based on something that is of interest to them that they feel has made our world a better place!


Discovery Labs are made possible by YOU! To make your donation to the Solana Beach Schools Foundation, visit our home page and click the Donate button.

*Not supported by your donations to the Solana Beach Schools Foundation.

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