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Discovery Lab Highlights at Solana Vista

Updated: Sep 22, 2023


Kindergarten: In Kindergarten, we are exploring the Engineering Design Process. We started by reading, Anything is Possible, by Giulia Belloni and Marco Trevisan. Sheep and Wolf struggle to build a flying machine to soar with the birds. Along the way, they asked questions, used their imagination, drew plans, and built a creative solution to their problem. Then they tested and improved their invention until the machine was successful. It wasn’t easy, but engineers have a growth mindset and never give up! Students then set off to experience the same process for themselves. We researched various aircraft, and they imagined how they could travel. It was time to draw a plan and build their own paper gliders. Next, we went outside to test and improve their creations. We saw how lift, drag, thrust and gravity affect flight. 3, 2, 1… liftoff!

Second Grade: In our intro to coding unit, we researched the various robots that Amazon uses to make their business efficient. We explored how variables, functions, bugs, and conditions all play a role in computer programming. Then it was time to see the Sphero Bolt in action. Students learned to move, create LED animations, add sounds, and loop programs. We learned that coding is an iterative process that requires careful planning. Students asked if we could do more robotics next week… Thankfully we have over ten robotics platforms to explore from Kindergarten through third grade in the STREAM Lab.


Physical Education

Kindergarten – Second Grades: In K-2nd, the most important skills they will learn are locomotors. Using locomotor skills, such as: running, walking, skipping, galloping and leaping are how we get ourselves from place to another. These skills will be in every sport and activity students participate in. At the end of the year, students will take the "locomotor license test." This activity is similar to a drivers license test. Students will be given different prompts and they will perform their skills to the best of their ability while not crashing into others. They will receive a locomotor license or permit at the end of year. The cartoon picture will be replaced with their actual photo. Just like a real license!

Third Grade: Cooperatives is an important unit in our physical education program. This is how students will learn to communicate, listen and problem solve as a group. One of my favorite team building activities are hula huts! Students must complete different levels of building their hula huts such as: climbing though, transporting and stacking all without it falling apart. I really enjoy this activity and the students think the huts are pretty cool!


Discovery Labs are made possible by YOU! To make your donation to the Solana Beach Schools Foundation, visit our home page and click the Donate button.

*Not supported by your donations to the Solana Beach Schools Foundation.

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