February 2024:
Kindergarteners are making watercolor watermelons in preparation for summer months! We first drew them in pencil, and then used black oil pastel to trace over our drawings. Then painted them with watercolor!
Physical Education
February is American Heart Month. This is when we focus on our heart and its health by doing cardio exercises like jump roping! Students are learning the basics of jump roping and a variety of jump rope tricks.
Media Center*
We've entered one of the most exciting times of the year for our students in the library: California Young Reader Medal time! Each year, Solana Vista students share their voice by choosing the California Young Reader Medal primary picture book of the year. Our kiddos love the fact that this is a student-driven literature award, and adults don't get a say!
State-wide, five picture book nominees are chosen by committee, and are then read aloud in school libraries. At Solana Vista, students log their opinions of each picture book nominee using either an emoji or stars rating system. Our 2nd and 3rd graders also add opinion sentences to remind them what they thought of each nominee. After each class has experienced each book nominee, which takes a few weeks, students then "voice their vote" for the book they enjoyed the most. Votes are combined with those across the state of California, with the medal being awarded on May 1, 2024. Which book will win the hearts of our young readers this year? We'll have to wait until May to find out!
To view past nominees, winners, and get a sneak peek of next year's nominees, visit: https://www.californiayoungreadermedal.org/nominees. Be sure to note the categories of nominations under each title, as categories stretch from primary age to young adult.
(Pictured below: A sample of our 2nd graders voicing their vote using the Seesaw App!)
Exploring handheld small non-pitched percussion instruments, action songs and singing games, exploring movement with props. Kindergarten loves singing, playing and moving together.
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*Not supported by your donations to the Solana Beach Schools Foundation.