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Skyline Discovery Lab Highlights - Third Grade

February 2024:


The 3-6 Global Education students have learned about animal internal and external parts to prepare them to virtually design an animal that could survive in an Arctic climate. We will now be using our new LEGO Spoke Prime robots to construct an animal that can move and modify its external parts to ensure it can run fast from predators.



Animal Senses Research Project - We researched on google how different animals receive different types of information through their senses. How different animals use their senses to find food, to stay safe, and communicate with their surroundings. We also learned how to use google slides to make a presentation to share our research.



Pop Art PopTart soft sculptures inspired by Wayne Thiebaud and Claus Oldenburg. These were also made with a combination of recycled and new materials. All of these projects will be displayed at our “Earthy Otters” STREAM night, which is why we are focusing on the use of recycled materials.


Physical Education

K-6th grade: February was American Heart Month. To celebrate, students learned and practiced their jump roping skills! Jump roping is an excellent cardio exercise to keep our hearts healthy. Students learned how to do several jump roping tricks, partner jump roping tricks and team jump roping. We also challenged ourselves to jump rope for 1-2- or 3 minutes straight without stoping or making mistakes, or at least 20 times in a row for kinders!


Media Center*

During Black History Month (February) the students were introduced to people who have had an impact on the world.



Recently we have started playing recorders. Recorders are affordable and less fragile than many other instruments so that's why recorders are used in so many music classrooms around the world! During the year, we will be playing recorders to get that hands-on experience of playing on our own instrument while continuing to get more practice reading the rhythms and notes we learn about in music class.


Discovery Labs are made possible by YOU! To make your donation to the Solana Beach Schools Foundation, visit our home page and click the Donate button.

*Not supported by your donations to the Solana Beach Schools Foundation.

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