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Discovery Lab Highlights at Solana Highlands

Updated: Sep 22, 2023


These projects were completed last year and give a sneak peak into what your students have to look forward to this year.

Kindergarten: Kinders are mastering fine motor’s skills. Lots of cutting, gluing, drawing, and learning and exploring new mediums in art (chalk, oil pastel, watercolors, printing, sharpies). I personally don’t like to use direct drawing, so Kinders are very busy trying to use old and new skills in art class, and l like that each of their art work is different and really their own. Look for this last art project of the year: Tucan (so colorful and fun, all skills and different mediums used)

First Grade: Now that those fine motor skills are somehow mastered, we can really dive in more complex work and start to learn about some famous artists and their unique styles of art (Van Gogh, H.Matisse, etc). Highlight: I think all kids really enjoyed last year drawing and painting Tucan with oil pastels and watercolors. Very colorful art. As well as Jim Dines inspired hearts art.

Second Grade: Learning and using some main elements of the art, like colors (tints, shades, warm, cool, complimentary), form (contour line), and space. This year, we'll fun with Van Gogh inspired pumpkin patch, warm and cool trees, and messy painting with shaving cream, but the big highlight is 3D water lilies inspired by Monet.

Third Grade: A highlight in Art is creating a project inspired by Yayoi Kusama. The kids love this project and learning about her life story. We'll also create several projects drawing from different perspectives, sculpting with clay, and the use of dots.

Fourth Grade: Robert Indianas inspired sculptures

Fifth Grade: Art challenge for 5th grade this year is to reenact a masterpiece. This is our end of the year project.

Physical Education

Kindergarten: Kindergarteners are working on listening skills and following instructions as individuals and as a group. They are learning to move safely in a designated space and practicing creative movement and locomotor skills in the coming weeks.

First Grade: First Graders have learned our recess rules for playing tetherball and 4-square and will be working on underhand throwing, catching, and locomotor skills in the coming weeks.

Second Grade: Second Graders have learned our recess rules for playing tetherball and 4-square and will be working on underhand rolling and throwing, catching, and locomotor skills.

Third Grade: Third Graders have learned our recess rules for playing tetherball, 4-square, and Bounce Ball and will be working on underhand rolling and throwing, catching, and locomotor skills.

Fourth grade: Fourth Graders have worked in groups to experience a wide variety of recess games and will be working on volleyball skills in the coming weeks.

Fifth Grade: Fifth Graders have worked in groups to experience a wide variety of recess games and will be working on volleyball skills in the coming weeks.

Sixth Grade: Sixth Graders have worked in groups to experience a wide variety of recess games and will be working on volleyball skills in the coming weeks.



Second Grade (Pictures #1-2): 1. Russian Dance "Sasha" in Partner Scattered Formation (Partner Dancing) 2. Jazz Unit- "Scat Like That" - Scatting, improvising, composing. Check out the poses these "cool cats." Strike a pose!

Sixth Grade (Picture #3): "September" by Earth, Wind, And Fire. A movement lesson on "Form." Students demonstrated their understanding of "Form" while dancing a circle dance to "September."


Media Center*

First Grade: Collaboration with STREAM & Mrs. Magalnick's biomimicry project: We will conduct insect research in the media center to support background knowledge. (Photos coming soon)

Fourth – Sixth Grade: 4th-6th Graders will be invited to help us re-start Dolphin News Network this year! Pics/Broadcast coming in a few months...we are working out the tech details.

Discovery Labs are made possible by YOU! To make your donation to the Solana Beach Schools Foundation, visit our home page and click the Donate button.

*These classes are not supported by donations to the Solana Beach Schools Foundation.

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